Please feel free to use the link below to go to the meeting finder
or scroll down to use the map!
Electronic meetings are also available through the Al-Anon World Service Office website. Click on the following link to access electronic meetings:
Open Meetings (Family, Friends & Observers): Al‑Anon meetings allow attendance by people who are not families and friends of alcoholics, but who are interested in learning about Al‑Anon Family Groups. People who may come to open Al‑Anon meetings occasionally include students and professionals
who work with alcoholics and their families.
Closed Meetings (Family & Friends Only): "Closed" meetings are limited only to Al-Anon members and prospective members, giving them the freedom to share and listen to the experience, strength, and hope of one another on a confidential and anonymous basis.
Open Meetings (Family, Friends & Observers): Al‑Anon meetings allow attendance by people who are not families and friends of alcoholics, but who are interested in learning about Al‑Anon Family Groups. People who may come to open Al‑Anon meetings occasionally include students and professionals
who work with alcoholics and their families.
Closed Meetings (Family & Friends Only): "Closed" meetings are limited only to Al-Anon members and prospective members, giving them the freedom to share and listen to the experience, strength, and hope of one another on a confidential and anonymous basis.

Click on the area of the map you wish to find your meeting in
It will take you to that Districts Meeting list page.
Use the buttons below to access a printable meeting list for each District
It will take you to that Districts Meeting list page.
Use the buttons below to access a printable meeting list for each District